Monday, August 20, 2007

Gann Grid Clarification

I've been asked to explain the Gann Grid specifically the formula for finding 45° from the start price.

The formula I used was for Excel. It might be easier in some different formats.
In a more function type format it would be:

Degrees up from start price = (squared((sqrt(converted_price+degree_factor)))/10000

For more of a descriptive notation maybe something like:

Degrees up from start price =((|converted price + degree factor|) ^2)/10000

We'll say that the pipes on either end mean to square root that section.

Going through the steps the first thing to do is convert the price to something squareable. So 1.3261 becomes 13261.

So the formula should read:
45° Price=((13261^0.5+.25)^2)/10000 = 1.3319

^.05 means to the 1/2 power or the square root. ^2 means square. (^3 means cube, etc)

The degree factor is used to get the degrees converted to a base 10 number or whatever. It's found by taking the (degree/360) x 2. So in our case, (45/360)*2

So the full process is to take the converted price 13261, find the sqrt (115.156) and add it to the Degree Factor of .25 gives 115.406 and then square that which gives 13319. Divide by 10000 to get price of 1.3319.

I hope that makes better sense.

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