Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mirror Cycles

One of the concepts I've been trading for a while is that of the mirror cycle.  Many times it's pretty easy to spot where price appears to create a symmetrical pattern where price has a reflection point and there are matching highs and lows.

There are a few software packages that incorporate this concept with an indicator that basically creates a mirror of price projected forward using a closing price line.  I find that method a little messy because there are so many kinks in the line.  A few years ago I created my own indicator that uses a moving average instead of mirrored price to smooth out the line.  This works well although it does introduce lag which is inherent to moving averages in general.  Also, as with all cycle type tools, inversions are an issue to be aware of.

I've created a video that goes over how I use mirror cycles and also show a quick and dirty method to create a mirror cycle forecast and also pickup possible inversion points.  Enjoy!

Mirror Cycle Video


Peglegtrading said...

great to see you back man! I too took off quite a while and am back in the swing of things. Always loved the esoteric side, now I have a partner in crime.

Peglegtrading said...
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